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Brandi Glanville Book To Become A Movie? Ive CHANGED MY MIND!

I earlier reported the movie rumours and thought it would be a bad idea, but now I have sort of changed my mind! But I want the movie to be a little bit different.


Remember when Steve Harvey wrote ‘Act Like A Lady’ and it was a New York Times Best Seller, then a movie was created called ‘Think Like A Man’. The movie wasn’t A DIRECT COPY of the book, but instead the book was an overarching influence for the movie and how the characters lives played out!


That Brandi should do something similar! You know when you watch movies like ‘Valentines Day’ and all the stories intertwine! I want her movie to be like THAT! Not to be about HER life, or the LeAnn and Eddie affair because then LeAnn and Eddie would get more attention.

This movie should focus on a big group of girls who are all reading Brandi’s book, while at the same time they are having issues in their relationships. Use Brandi’s advice, as well as what she did wrong. Maybe even the vaginal rejuvenation! One of the girls can read about that, and since she is freaking out she might go and do the same! I am feeling a mix between, ‘Think Like A Man’, ‘Valentines Day’ and ‘Bridesmaids‘, something that is a WHOLE LOT OF FUN! Brandi can make appearances in the movie, at book signings or on TV having an interview! I think it would be GREAT! And funny! So I hope you read this Brandi and tell us what you think!

Who is Britney Spears’ Mystery Man?!!

Britney Spears was spotted going out to what appears to be a Valentines Day dinner, and no one knows who the guy is!




Britney Spears’ reps have been tight lipped as to who this guy with the TERRIBLE shirt is!

But i am happy as long as Brit is happy!!

EXcept i would like to see her with a more accomplished man!

I know a lot of people think she needs to be with a  boring normal guy, but Britney’s life is far from ‘normal’, so i think she needs to date someone who is in the spotlight and knows how to handle it!!